The Importance of Your Solar Plexus & a Healthy Gut!
Embark on a transformative journey to heal your gut and rediscover your power. If you've navigated countless doctors and tests with persistent gut issues—bloating, digestive discomfort, weight struggles—let's get to the root of the root.
Our gut holds a unique story, often influenced by early experiences and the energy we carry. Stress, emotional or physical, can trigger a cascade effect, awakening dormant challenges. The gut, a vast reservoir for unprocessed emotions, demands acknowledgment. From an energy standpoint, our solar plexus, the core of our confidence, plays a pivotal role in gut health.
My personal journey mirrored this interplay, manifesting in candida, SIBO, and leaky gut. The physical diagnoses were crucial, but the underlying energy imbalance needed addressing. The solar plexus became my focal point for healing, teaching me the art of setting boundaries and living authentically.
Your gut issues didn’t come out of know where
Let's delve into the core of the matter—gut issues aren't abrupt occurrences. Our bodies host a myriad of bacteria and viruses, both beneficial and not-so-great. Typically, these microorganisms coexist harmoniously. However, when the delicate balance is disrupted—perhaps due to stress—the immune system weakens, providing an opportunity for the less-friendly bacteria to prevail.
Some individuals I work with grapple with gut issues from infancy, while others experience a gradual ebb and flow. For some, it seemingly emerges out of nowhere in adulthood, triggered by significant life stressors—acute illnesses, food poisoning, childbirth, family deaths, financial woes, job transitions, or relationship challenges. These stressors often lead us to lose touch with ourselves and our power, paving the way for gut issues to manifest.
The crux of the matter isn't merely constipation, diarrhea, bloating, or specific conditions like SIBO, candida, leaky gut, or food intolerances. These symptoms are manifestations of an imbalanced gut under the influence of stressors. To authentically heal, we must trace back to the root cause—the initial trigger—and mend from that vantage point to prevent recurrence. While medications may alleviate specific symptoms, they fall short in addressing the underlying imbalance's origin.
Enter the magic of true healing—it involves viewing ourselves holistically and addressing not only the physical aspects but also the emotional and social dimensions.
Now, let's explore the transformative power of the solar plexus—read on!
The CHakras & YOur SOlar Plexus
When we venture into the realm of gut imbalances, many practitioners overlook a crucial aspect—addressing the energetic body. As a devoted yogi, I consistently explore this dimension. The physical body represents merely a fraction of our holistic selves. How can we expect comprehensive healing by addressing only a fraction through physical medications, supplements, movement, and diet? The call is to delve deeper.
Enter your solar plexus, one of your seven main energy centers—your chakras. While numerous chakras exist, our focus here is on the seven primaries. These energetic hubs run from the base of your spine to the crown of your head, each boasting its unique frequency, color, sound, and stacking atop one another:
Root Chakra:
Located at the base of your spine, it resonates with the color red, embodying safety, structure, stability, and the grounding force essential for balance.
Sacral Chakra:
Nestled in your lower abdominal area, the sacral chakra associates with the color orange, fostering creativity, flow, pleasure, and abundance—a vital counterpoint to structural stability.
Solar Plexus Chakra:
Positioned in the center of your stomach and radiating yellow brilliance, the solar plexus is your power center. It urges you to own your worth, set boundaries, be assertive, and exude confidence—a fiery force intertwined with your gut.
Heart Chakra:
Situated in your heart/chest area, the heart chakra exudes a green hue. It is the epicenter of love, encouraging the release of fear, and promoting self-love, compassion, and acceptance, thus extending love to others.
Throat Chakra:
Nestled in your throat and adorned with the color blue, the throat chakra beckons you to live aligned with your truth, fostering a sense of safety in expressing your needs and desires authentically.
Third Eye Chakra:
Occupying the middle of your forehead, this violet or deep purple energy center is dedicated to intuition and self-trust.
Crown Chakra:
The crown chakra, at the top of your head, emanates a light purple or violet glow, symbolizing your connection to a higher power and the world around you.
All these chakras hold significance, but it's crucial to recognize that the lower three—root, sacral, and solar plexus—can actually fall out of balance (our humanly body/needs chakras). When imbalanced, they, in turn, impact the higher four.
Now, let's delve deeper into your Solar Plexus chakra. Like all chakras, it can sway out of balance—either excessive or deficient. For instance, letting others walk over you may weaken your digestive fire over time, resulting in sluggish motility or poor digestion. On the flip side, excessive confidence as a defense mechanism may intensify your digestive fire, potentially leading to issues like diarrhea or heartburn. Balancing this vital chakra is the key to harmonizing your entire energetic system.
Ask yourself the following questions to see if your Solar Plexus could use balance:
Do I often doubt my abilities and second-guess my decisions?
Am I hesitant to take on challenges or step out of my comfort zone?
Do I struggle with feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness?
Am I overly critical of myself and my achievements?
Do I find it difficult to say "no" to others, even when it's not in my best interest?
Do I allow others to take advantage of me or disrespect my boundaries?
Am I comfortable expressing my needs, desires, and opinions?
Do I shy away from asserting myself in professional or personal situations?
Do I find it challenging to make decisions, fearing making the wrong choice?
Am I easily swayed by the opinions of others, neglecting my own intuition?
Fear of Rejection:
Am I afraid of rejection or criticism from others?
Does the fear of what others think prevent me from being authentic?
Do I often feel disempowered or like I lack control over my life?
Am I hesitant to pursue my goals and dreams due to fear or self-doubt?
Physical Symptoms:
Do I experience digestive issues, stomach discomfort, or eating disorders?
Am I prone to stress-related ailments affecting the stomach area?
Life Purpose:
Do I feel disconnected from my life purpose or lack a clear sense of direction?
Am I unsatisfied with my current life path and yearning for more fulfillment?
Am I lacking motivation or enthusiasm for life and its challenges?
Do I struggle to find the energy to pursue my goals?
Reflecting on these questions can provide insights into whether your solar plexus chakra may be imbalanced. If you find that several of your answers indicate an imbalance, keep reading below!
The emotional Cause behind each of your symptoms and Diagnosis’
Embarking on this journey, I've lived through the rollercoaster of gut struggles—from the early days of formula escapades to battling lactose intolerance, leaky gut, candida, parasites, SIBO, and the persistent companionship of bloating. In the energetic realm, I found myself unwittingly dancing with these challenges. My life's script was penned with a penchant for pleasing everyone, placing their needs on a pedestal above my own, and desperately seeking approval. High school days witnessed the emergence of an eating disorder, my way of finding solace by shrinking physically and mentally amidst the shadows of childhood bullying.
Maybe this sounds like a page from your life? Many of the incredible women I work with nod along, recognizing these patterns that intertwine with an imbalanced solar plexus, setting the stage for those tricky gut issues. Louise Hay's wisdom, especially in "You Can Heal Your Life," has been a guiding light, helping us understand the energetic backdrop behind each symptom and diagnosis.
Let's unpack a few examples, peel back the layers, and discover the heart of the matter:
Physical: Poor diet, late-night eating, stomach acid imbalances, ulcers, inadequate chewing, certain medications.
Emotional: A deep-seated fear—clinging to fear itself.
Physical: Contaminated food or water, subpar bathroom hygiene, travel, raw or undercooked meat, unwashed produce.
Emotional: Surrendering power to others, allowing their influence to consume you—akin to the parasitic energy.
Physical: Inadequate fiber, dehydration, dysbiosis, methane SIBO, sedentary lifestyle, slow motility, enzyme deficiencies.
Emotional: Clinging to outdated ideas, refusing to release the past.
Physical: Refined sugar-heavy diet, antibiotic use, uncontrolled diabetes, dysbiosis, prolonged birth control usage.
Emotional: Scattered life, frustration, anger, demanding and distrustful in relationships.
Leaky Gut:
Physical: Poor diet, prolonged antibiotic or NSAID use, birth control, alcohol, gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, gut inflammation.
Emotional: Failing to establish boundaries—your gut literally creating openings. Where are you not standing strong, allowing others' energy to drain and deplete you?
Navigating this healing journey isn't just about supplements and diets—it's about understanding the stories our bodies are telling us. It's about the dance between emotions and our physical well-being. So, welcome to the journey—the one where we learn to decipher these stories, honor our bodies, and rediscover the joy of truly living.
create a strong Gut Now & Long Term- the plan!
Digging into those examples, it's clear that the physical aspect is just a piece of the puzzle! In my practice, our focus is on unearthing the root causes and orchestrating healing across all dimensions. Picture a client dealing with the trio of constipation, candida, and heartburn—these facets intertwine. Our strategy involves a comprehensive plan that addresses both the emotional and physical realms.
Emotionally, we embark on a journey of letting go—shedding layers of fear, anger, and frustration while fostering trust in oneself. Physically, we tailor a plan to combat candida, incorporating herbal antibiotics, potential prescriptions, and a diet rich in real, whole foods with a focus on lean protein, healthy fats, and quality fiber. Stress management techniques become key in this holistic approach.
Testing and personalized plans take center stage because, well, you're unique. Equally vital is the cultivation of a healthy gut and energized solar plexus. Together, we delve into the realm of mindset strategies, reiki/energy healing, shadow work, journal prompts, and more. The goal? To not just clear and heal but also to fortify against any unwelcome returns. This is a collaborative journey—a personalized roadmap to wellness. It’s time to balance your solar plexus and reclaim your power!